Saturday, February 15, 2025

GPS Education, LAB Midwest partner for new education initiative

GPS Education Partners (GPSEd), a community-based nonprofit and leading provider of work-based learning solutions for youth, has officially announced a partnership with LAB Midwest, a world-class provider of relevant curriculum, e-learning and training equipment for education and industry that prepares students for successful career pathways. Manufacturing has entered a new industrial revolution...

Northrop Grumman Foundation Supports Students and Teachers from the U.K. to Attend Space Camp®...

The Northrop Grumman Foundation announced that it is sponsoring six students and three teachers from schools in the U.K. to attend Space Camp®, held at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center® in Huntsville, Alabama, July 8-13, 2018. Space Camp® is an experience-based learning programme aimed at increasing youth interest in...

U.K. bending machine manufacturer to open U.S. facility, support local vocational programs

Manufacturing represents many things to many people. It’s a key component in a strong economy, an industry that provides excellent jobs for people who thrive on working with machines and tools, and a source of careers that support the American Dream. Manufacturing’s image suffered somewhat in the 1980s and...

Manufacturing Education and Credential Leaders Launch 21st Century Training Solution

Today, the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), the manufacturing industry’s developer of skills standards and credentials, and Immerse2Learn are introducing a new manufacturing, engineering and technology training solution that combines simulation-based online learning, multimedia software and industry-recognized credentials. With support from the Gene Haas Foundation, this STEM Learning...

eCards on TIPS