CIMdata Announces the Completion of its 2019 PLM Status & Trends Research

Survey responses suggest that companies implementing PLM find that it is worth the money.

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the completion of its annual status and trends research related to the global product lifecycle management (PLM) economy.

The goal of the research was to deepen the PLM community’s collective understanding of the status, drivers, and preconditions necessary for companies to derive value from their investment in PLM enabling solutions. A web-based survey was developed and distributed to identify the key issues.

Significant findings show that:

  • The majority of respondents identified that they have more than one commercially available PLM solution operating in their company.
  • Current implementations heavily focus on the “traditional” product data management aspects of PLM.
  • There is a heavy emphasis on business process enablement.
  • The business objectives for future PLM implementations have significant focus on getting faster, better, cheaper.
  • Compared to 2018 results there has been a shift somewhat away from Global Programs to Technology Simplification.
  • Over the next two years 64% of respondents said that they plan to increase the amount budgeted for PLM spend.
  • The use of the term “PLM” might have worn out its welcome.

According to Mr. Peter Bilello, CIMdata’s President, “Many of the research findings are heavily weighted towards the traditional aspects of PLM, which is consistent with CIMdata’s experience with its industrial clients. Survey responses indicate that industrial companies find PLM to be worth the investment and that PLM budget trends show a continued investment in the near term. The major challenges facing users going forward are the confusion surrounding the overlapping processes and functions of enterprise systems (e.g., PLM, ERP, and MES), the lack of understanding around PLM payback opportunities, and cultural issues.”

About CIMdata

CIMdata, a leading independent worldwide firm, provides strategic management consulting to maximize an enterprise’s ability to design and deliver innovative products and services through the application of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions. Since its founding in 1983, CIMdata has delivered world-class knowledge, expertise, and best-practice methods on PLM solutions. These solutions incorporate both business processes and a wide-ranging set of PLM-enabling technologies.

CIMdata works with both industrial organizations and providers of technologies and services seeking competitive advantage in the global economy. In addition to consulting, CIMdata conducts research, provides PLM-focused subscription services, and produces several commercial publications. The company also provides industry education through PLM certificate programs, seminars, and conferences worldwide. CIMdata serves clients around the world from offices in North America, Europe, and Asia- Pacific.

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